#stone ramshackle
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pawl3ss · 2 days ago
Pawless is jumping between fandoms again ! Somebody stop him !!
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PART 8: Bad Idea Right?
Vinnie, Skipp, and Stone approached the large warehouse. Stone began to grab the handle to slide the door open, but Vinnie stopped him.
“No, you’re not going in there with… him. I’ll go in. You and Skipp stay out here. If I don't come back out… I’m leaving my will to Skipp,” Vinnie jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
“You can’t write. And what would you even leave him? Whatever stale food you have left?” Stone grumbles, not enjoying that Vinnie was trying to make light about what she was going to do.
“Gee, tough crowd,” Vinnie jokes again. In reality, her heart was racing. But not in a thrilling “holy-shit-we-just-got-away-with-the-best-heist-ever” kind of way. No, it was more of a “I’m-about-to-make-the-worst-decision-in-the-world-and-thousands-are-about-to-end-up-dead” kind of feeling.
She grabbed the handle and slid the door open. Almost as soon as she stepped in, the door slammed behind her and she had two different guns to her head. Immediately, fight or flight mode kicked in, and she punched the gun out of one guy’s hand. The other guy who was still holding his gun aimed it at her, but she managed to grab his arm and point the gun away just as he pulled the trigger.
“HEY!” A loud voice barked out. Immediately, everyone went quiet. Vinnie kept struggling with the guy with the gun. Eventually, she managed to throw him off and sent him flying into a bunch of old crates. She paused to catch her breath and looked up to where the voice had come from. Her eyes narrowed as a toothy grin suddenly appeared on the person’s face.
“Ditch,” she said curtly.
Ditch, still grinning, narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. “Well, well, well… I’ll be fucked.”
“You wouldn’t be the only one…” Vinnie scowled as two of Ditch’s lackeys grabbed her arms and dragged her up to the balcony where he was waiting. He dismissed the two men and motioned for Vinnie to follow her into his office.
He sat down in his comically large chair and took his hat off, placing it on his desk. He kicked his feet up, propping them on the desk as well. “So… Vins! Long time no see, hm?”
Vinnie scowled and crossed her arms. “I’m not taking your bullshit today, Ditch. You know as good as anyone that I would not be here if I didn’t need to be.”
Ditch’s grin widened. “Ah! So you wanted something? Don’t tell me you missed me that much, baby~?”
Vinnie suddenly slams her hands on the desk. Something about her seemed to be bigger than her own body. “Listen to me for once in your goddamn life, because I’m not here to do-si-do and laugh and be friendly. Something is going on out there,” she motions wildly to his window, “And it’s bad. But of course you don’t know about it because your too busy with your head in the gutter or wherever the fuck you’ve had in!” She slams her foot down, causing something to come crashing down in the downstairs area.
Ditch shrinked back slightly, frightened ((and secretly turned on, may I add)) by Vinnie’s vicious behavior. “Uh… I don’t… ugh, what do you want?”
Vinnie’s eyes narrowed. “I want to borrow your warehouse. All of it. The warehouse itself, your cronies, and the area surrounding it. All. Of. It.”
Ditch’s eyes widened. Suddenly, he scowled. “Now, listen here. I worked for all of this, and I’m not about to let you just mozy on in here and let you order me- me of all people- around-!”
Vinnie bristled and sighed. She knew what she needed to do, what she needed to say. “I’ll make a deal with you if you agree to what I'm asking for,” she says, cutting him off. Ditch’s eyes widened again.
“You heard me,” Vinnie said, “I’ll make a deal, and once all… this is over, I’ll carry through with it. But you need to uphold your end of the deal.”
Ditch was appalled. Vinnie? Making a deal? With him? She… was being serious? Ditch, attempting to maintain his cool, runs a hand through his messy hair and put his top hat back on. He took a sharp inhale and grinned toothily again. He extends a hand out to her.
“Well. I guess we have a deal then, eh Vins?” He says, motioning for her to shake his hand.
Vinnie looks down at his hand. She slowly reaches out and shakes his hand. His grin widened, and a sense of… something bubbled up inside of him. He shook her hand firmly and nodded, his wide grin only growing wider. He gently rubbed circles on her hand with his thumb. He quickly realized what he was doing and let go of her hand.
“Deal,” Vinnie said.
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sleighhethereal · 11 months ago
stone swears he doesn't know them
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characters belong to @zeddyzi love u
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barkeroodle · 11 months ago
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When I saw the teaser I knew the pilot would slap and HOLY SHIT was it worth the wait!
Go watch Ramshackle by amazing @zeddyzi and many other talented people who worked on it!
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capy-123rs · 5 months ago
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My little ponyshackle @zeddyzi
(Friendship is magic)
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synicalhorrors · 9 months ago
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rlgowther · 9 months ago
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After like almost two months I finally cosplayed everyone on my list (Except I’m adding more people to the list so like will it ever be finished??? Avrille when??)
All characters belong to @zeddyzi, Thank you for making such an incredible thing!! I can’t wait to see where ramshackle goes in the future and to cosplay from it more :))
You can find more of my cosplays on insta and TikTok @gowtherthedoll_ !!
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kassidyin · 10 months ago
I decided the draw the trio again.
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Characters belong to: @zeddyzi
I love your sillies.
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the-xolotl · 11 months ago
Me: I think I’m over the tired looking male characters. I can finally leave. I’m coming home, sweetie
Stone in less than 15 minutes:
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ellvixxx · 10 months ago
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FUCK I don’t know what this ship is called correctly, I don’t speak english 😡😡
POPROCKS? ROCKCANDY? i dont give a fuck
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foilssick · 8 months ago
Thought of these two from this dynamic
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Pebble and Stone belong to @zeddyzi and are from the pilot on YouTube Ramshackle.
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falling-star-cygnus · 11 months ago
i couldn’t resist the pull of a new indie animated cartoon, life is hard and i am but a weak soul
✨Ramshackle✨ by Zeddyzi -> why it’s amazing and why you should watch it :D
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she’s a mood fr
No.1: Vinnie is usually the first to panic
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while none of trio are 'in charge' -nor should they be- Vinnie does take the lead more often than Skipp or Stone do {these two also tend to look at her before taking action, which is actually adorable} so it's pretty cool to see she's not oblivious to dangerous situations like her archetype tends to lean into -> also Stone's totally contemplating breaking the window to get away from the pageant zombies
No.2: Stone is super protective, despite acting like he's not
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but he does it in a way that doesn’t come across as thinking the other two are incapable, it’s more like: you totally could’ve dealt with that, but im right here so you don’t have to
No.3: Skipp isn’t helpless, nor is he treated as such
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this is really awesome bc trios typically have that one character that’s really bright and bubbly but that’s also often infantilised by both their peers and the fandom -> Vinnie and Stone are totally confident in his feral capabilities though, and apart from briefly scolding him when it was necessary- they don’t treat Skipp like a child {which is an extremely refreshing change of pace}
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you got the black cat, doberman, and orange cat all in one with these silly guys! + stone's small smile when they fist bump, my heart!
No.5: The black cat is a softie
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surprising absolutely no one, Stone has a hard time saying no to his family. that's not to say he can't express a boundary, like how he feels about physical touch, but he does let Vinnie and Skipp cling to him for brief intervals -> he also is already accepting that Maggot's going to be a fixture from as soon as the other two are leaving the alley way
all in all, this pilot does a mind-blowing job of portraying archetypes in a new and refreshing way that doesn't feel forced -> the animation style is beautiful, the characters are multifaceted and complex and it walks the line between silly and badass perfectly
definitely go watch the pilot on youtube!
and if you enjoyed this, let me know if there are other things you want me to analyze or give my thoughts on :D
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parasocial-hermit · 11 months ago
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xydimeow · 11 months ago
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bannananeedssleep · 11 months ago
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strawbuddy-luv · 11 months ago
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Introducing: Catboy Stone! (Zeddyzi I am so sorry-)
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